
Some of the statements and the ritual of casting and closing the circle will be modified to match the specific tradition that the couple follow:

A Full Celtic Handfasting will include the following:-

  • The ceremony is usually held outdoors (it is sensible to have a back-up location in case of rain).
  • A circle is formed.
  • Candles will mark the four cardinal directions, and friends often hold the candles.
  • An altar is located near the centre of the circle – toward the East.
  • Wildflowers may be spread inside the circle.
  • The bridal couple stand to the east of the circle.
  • Friends and family are gathered around the circle.
  • A bell is rung three times to indicate the start of the ritual.
  • The couple approach the circle from the east – the direction of sunrise; this symbolizes growth in their relationship.
  • An explanation is given to the guests regarding the significance of the ritual to be performed.
  • The circle is cast.
  • An honouring statement will be recited at each of the four directions.
  • The couple each declares their intent to join with the other.
  • They exchange rings and vows.
  • The celebrant invites them to drink from the Loving cup. Each drinks separately. This symbolizes the need for a balance between being apart and being together in their future life together.
  • The couple will face each other, joining both their hands.
  • Cords or ribbons are used to “bind” the couple’s hands.
  • If this is just to be a handfasting for a year and a day it may be loosely tied; this symbolizes that the handfasting is a commitment, but one that is not an onerous one.
  • One year and a day after being handfasted, the couple may return to the celebrant and repeat their vows with the cords or ribbons tightly knotted to make it binding. This symbolizes the intent to have a permanent relationship. This ritual is the source of the expression “to tie the knot.”
  • The couple each say chosen words to the other, expressing their love and their hopes for their future together.
  • The bindings are removed.
  • I then pronounce the couple according to how they wish to be announced.
  • The handfasted couple join hands and jump over a broomstick. This symbolizes the effort required to make a committed relationship work.
  • The Circle is now closed.
  • It is stated the handfasting is concluded: “The circle is open but unbroken. May the peace of the Old Ones go in our hearts. Blessed be.”
  • The bell is rung three times.
  • The married couple then go clockwise around the circle, greeting friends and family.
  • I will, with the married couple and witnesses, sign the commemorative handfasting document.